The Do's and Don'ts of Sweepstakes

Here at PCH, we know a thing or two about sweepstakes. We've been running them for over 30 years, and in that time, we've seen a lot of people do a lot of things right (and wrong) when it comes to entering and winning. So whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, here are our top tips for increasing your chances of taking home the prize.

Do: Enter, Enter, Enter!

The more times you enter, the better your chances of winning. We recommend entering every day, if possible—it only takes a few seconds, and it could make all the difference.

You can even set up an email account dedicated to sweepstakes so you don't have to worry about cluttering up your personal inbox.

Don't: Get discouraged if you don't win right away.

Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. If you keep entering and don't give up, eventually your name will be drawn. And when it is, it'll be that much sweeter!

Do: Read the rules carefully.

Every sweepstakes is different, so make sure you understand how each one works before you enter. Pay close attention to things like entry deadlines, eligibility requirements, and prize descriptions. If you follow the rules to the letter, you'll never accidentally disqualify yourself. Trust us—we've seen it happen!

Don't: Try to cheat the system.

We catch people trying to game the system all the time, and they almost always end up getting disqualified as a result. So play fair and play by the rules—it's not worth risking your chance to win just to take a shortcut.

Do: Keep track of your entries.

We recommend setting up a spreadsheet (or using a notebook if you're old-school) where you can track the sweepstakes you've entered, when they close, and what prizes you're hoping to win. That way, when somebody asks if you've entered "that PCH Sweepstakes," you can quickly check and see—no need to rack your brain trying to remember where you put that information weeks or months ago. And when you do win? Be sure to update your records accordingly so you can keep track of all your hard-earned prizes!

Now that you know the do's and don'ts of sweepstakes, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start entering—the sooner you start, the better your chances will be! And who knows? Maybe this will be your lucky day. Good luck!